Recommended resources: D.W. Gooding’s “Readable Talks”

I highly recommend David Gooding’s Readable Talks, freely available here:
Here are a few samples from his exegesis of 2 Thes. 2:13-17 — “God has not only given us his revelation in Christ, but he’s given us his Holy Spirit, who has researched the deep things of God and is within us to make them known. The secret of knowing God and his Word
is the Holy Spirit within. He not only searches the deep things of God, but he searches our hearts. If it were left for my prayers to bring me home to glory, I shouldn’t get very far. My ambitions are so
tiny and my desires are so weak. ‘And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God’ (Rom 8: 27). Thank God for the Holy Spirit within who yearns and desires. The old English says he
‘lusts’, but meaning ‘he desires from me,’ and ’intercedes with groanings too deep for words’ (Rom 8: 26). God listens to his prayers and answers them for my sake and for yours.”
David W. Gooding, Eternal Encouragement and Good Hope: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17. (Belfast: Myrtlefield House, 2016), Kindle Loc. 80-86.
“The danger is we lose our stickability. We yield ground and we go backwards and downhill. There is always an insistent pressure for God’s people to give up the traditions taught in God’s holy Word. The world outside attacks the sacred foundational principles of the gospel, but we must learn to stand firm. Within Christendom itself there are all sorts of modern theories and pressures to abandon the traditions.
Paul pleads with us to stand firm and hold them fast. That is reasonable in the light of what God has done and what God is going to do.” David W. Gooding, Eternal Encouragement and Good Hope: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17. (Belfast: Myrtlefield House, 2016), Kindle Loc. 95-99.